Solutes & Solubility - Teacher Manual SKU: 445

Solutes & Solubility - Teacher Manual SKU: 445

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This Unit gives students the opportunity to investigate differences in the solubility of several different chemical compounds by dissolving the solid solutes in a liquid solvent, water. Students will be given the opportunity to explore the concept that solubility is a property that is specific to each different solute. Students will explore how physical agitation and elevated temperature increase the rate of solubility.

Through experimentation and data collection, students will answer the following Focus Questions:

What affects the solubility of a solute?

Is there a relationship between the concentration of a solution and the saturation point of a solute?

Can the rate of solubility of a solute be changed?

Conceptual Themes addressed in this Unit:

  • Changes and Reactions
  • Energy
  • Concentration